National Education Policy 2020
There is always one moment in childhood when the door opens and lets the future in, said Graham Greene. For the children of our country, this moment came with the National Education Policy to begin with 2020. Recognising that the true purpose of education was to raise happy, well informed and resilient children who carry the vision and maturity to lead the nation; NEP 2020 endevors to fulfill the desire of our youth to have a more application-based, job–oriented and skill-based education, with an option to pursue hobbies or talent and make that the profession.
The NEP document came as a huge confidence booster for us at GDGPS Sector 48, Gurugram. The school has always worked on the premise that education is for LIFE and not just for a Living. While having a structured curriculum for the Co Scholastic Domain, the school introduced indigenously developed special programs that focused on quintessential 21st century skills, real life application of concepts, life skills, and most importantly, developing empathy in our children.
The 5+3+3+4 model has been the foundation of teaching-learning at GDGPS Sector48. With an uniformly spread out exposure to age appropriate activities in the foundational 5 years, flowed by structured observations, selection of areas of interest and finally specific skill development, the school ensures a holistic development of each child. Enabling children discover their true self leads to an intrinsic motivation to excel. At the end of their school journey, every Goenkan is ready to rise like a phoenix in their chosen areas. Can there be a future more fulfilling?
As Ralph Abernathy said, “I don't know what the future may hold, but I know who holds the future.”
“There's nothing better than being able to give your children wings so they can soar and fly in the direction they want to go in.” Paula Deen

School takes pride in its unique flagship programme- IDM- ‘I Discover Me’ that seeks to develop competencies for a successful and fulfilling life ahead. The programme caters to the needs of children in an age appropriate manner, adapting beautifully to the ever-changing scenario of higher education and occupations in future.

The Programme runs through the four years of senior school providing them gradual exposure. After the orientation sessions in grade VIII, the programme is integrated in the weekly time table in grades IX and X providing ample opportunities and enough time for Career Exploration. Gradual Self exploration process creates mental preparedness for sincere self-evaluation. Students become more and more empowered to find their true calling. A special IDM Booklet makes the students reflect upon their experiences and learnings.
In senior grades students get industry exposure through Career Fairs, Talks, Field Visits, Internships, Expert Sessions etc. which are beautifully embedded in the annual pursuits. The Programme not only successfully identifies and highlights a student’s interest areas, but also provides guidance and clarity to build competencies.

As it is an in-house programme incorporated in school programmes, it provides enough time and exposure to students to explore opportunities for higher studies. The school has become self-reliant and every stake-holder has become empowered. It has empowered students in identifying their true passion in life, exploring and evaluating the options available, taking well informed decisions in life, preparing a roadmap for higher education and occupation and venturing out into the world outside the school with full preparedness and confidence.
This programme is far beyond giving information about various career options available after class XII. Rather the emphasis is on providing the students an understanding of their compatibility with the potential career options available to them.

It is a unique comprehensive programme that has all the important components required for holistic growth of our students. Life Skills & Adolescent Education play a very important role to help our students move forward in the journey of self discovery very confidently and happily. Students are provided opportunities to introspect, reflect, become self-aware and emotionally resilient through these sessions.
The programme has evolved over the years since its inception and is still growing in its reach and impact every year. The programme is serving its purpose of creating empowered, resilient and happy future citizens.

PORTFOLIOS - Portfolio making is an extension of IDM a well-structured and dynamic programme of the school. It holds the performance records and documents, which a student has produced during the learning course and represents a collection of their learning achievements This would also help in developing life skills like problem solving and decision making and help the students become more resilient, empowered and responsible. In essence, the objective is to make each student a self-motivated learner.
Virtual Reality (VR) Technology
Virtual Reality (VR) Technology, extensively used in the real working world, is a 3D experience and is a computer simulated environment that can simulate physical presence in places in the real world. GDGPS Sec 48 has an independent VR Lab that immerses students in the virtual world and enables them to learn effectively.

“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.”

A day when learners become leaders; an occasion made up of smiles and tears; a ceremony where investiture is not merely of badges of office but of the power to change, the power to guide and most importantly, the power to serve. Such a grand and solemn function is the Investiture Ceremony held in GDGPS, Sec-48. The 75-80 members of the Student Council for the particular academic session done the mantle of student leadership in front of the members of the management, the school principal, the Head Mistresses and their proud parents.
Sanctity is added to the solemnity of the occasion with the lighting of the lamp which takes place amidst soulful chanting of the shlokas. An expectant hush fills the auditorium when the Student Council members take their positions on the stage. The Principal and the Head-Mistresses confer upon each student leader the badge of office and Leader’s Diary. The oath of office is administered by the Head Boy and Head Girl of the Student Council.
The function then presides over with the motivational speeches of the members of management and the school principal thereby congratulating the newly elected Student Council Team. This is followed by speech by the Head Girl and Head Boy and the solemn function draws to a close with National Anthem.
Student Led Clubs
Under the aegis of New Education Policy 2020, clubs are one of the proud feathers for our school. These are vocational incentives which help in skill building and enhancement of students. The Clubs not only provide an opportunity to young minds to explore their areas of interest but also allow them to build a community of like-minded people while having hands-on experience. Despite the pandemic and closing of school, the clubs at GDGPS didn't take a backseat. In fact, in the digital medium of education, the school introduced 13 different ranges of clubs which offered a plethora of choices to students. Also, these clubs are student led, whereby teachers are only facilitators and guides, the main task for the club has been designed by the students. This not only motivates and empowers the young enthusiastic minds but also channelises their energy in the right direction. Students of classes 9-12 constructively utilise their hour of club period and extend their learnings out in the world and society at large. The school takes great pride in the achievements of students and ensures that they undergo overall development through this initiative.