What, ultimately, is the purpose of schooling? In the words of an educator with a great love for humanity, “education is a process that teaches people to cherish and respect all living beings.” One couldn’t agree more.
What reinstates one’s hope in the future of humanity is the fact that students of G D Goenka Public School, Sector 48, Gurgaon are being nurtured to become fine human beings who will use their knowledge to further the cause of human happiness. The school engages its students in various Social Community Outreach Programs with the belief that raising children with an awareness of giving back to society is central to humanistic education.
Over the years, GDGPS Sector 48 has worked with various NGO’s, providing support, training and opportunities to their students and teachers to be part of school programs, special days, festivals and celebrations.
Instilling a spirit of collaboration and mutual growth, students of GDGPS Sector 48 carry an innate desire to reach out to the underprivileged sections of society. Recognising their own privileged status, Goenkans feel the need to pass on their privilege to those in need.
Project Taleem
Spearheaded by the Student Council, Project Taleem has been an attempt by the students, staff and parents of the school to extend a helping hand to the underprivileged students of VIDYA School.
Due to lack of electronic devices, these students hit a roadblock in their education. Exhibiting empathy, Goenkans responded by forgoing their desires, saving money from their own expense and procuring 103 Electronic Tablets for the X & XII students of Vidya School. It was a life transforming moment for the Goenkans, as they experienced the joy of sharing and the satisfaction of sacrificing their own needs for others.

Apni Pathshala
On the initiative of the Principal, the school has adopted ‘Apni Pathshala’ and has been constantly involving its students and teachers for training and school programmes like Annual Days, Children’s Day, Festivals and many more. Students of Apni Patshala & GDGPS Sector 48 have been collaborating together and have been making Laddoos to celebrate Diwali together and also conducting sessions on the importance of First Aid. Distribution of sports equipment, fitting of electrical appliances in their school and providing IT training to the students & teachers has been undertaken.

The senior students of X and XII engage in community service which involves volunteer work with underprivileged children. The responsible and sensitized Goenkan students visit The Wingspan School, Maruti Kunj, Haryana laden not only with thoughtfully prepared gifts but also with generosity of spirit and the zeal to ‘make a difference’ in the lives of these students. Adopting innovative ways of reaching out, Goenkans present role plays on the importance of education and also take sessions with the students on hygiene.
Diwali Drive
The school organizes Diwali gift sale counter to support Umeed Foundation, a registered society which is looking after children with special needs and developmental difficulties and AADI (Action for Ability Development and Inclusion), formerly known as The Spastics Society of Northern India, an NGO working in the area of Disability and Development, with people across different impairments (physical, sensor , intellectual, cognitive and multiple impairment) and different age groups (infancy to adulthood) with a focus on all domains of life - Health, Education, Livelihoods, Shelter, Relationships, Leisure and Identity.

Each year, as the festival of Diwali approaches, the lowering of the oxygen level becomes a looming threat to the already choking air. Keeping this in mind, the students of GDGPS , the future harbingers of a clean environment , kick start a Drive Initiative under the banner of Celebrate Green Diwali campaign in Gurugram. Taking inspiration from an insightful imploration and a pledge to work for the environment by Principal Ms Anuradha Handa, each student takes up the novel responsibility of gifting a sapling and a poster to their friends, family and acquaintances.

Local Community Enhancement
Instilling in students empathy towards the environment and the lesser privileged sections of society, Ms Anuradha Handa goes all out in reaching out to the local community around the school – uplifting their lifestyle and thought process.

Support Staff
With an objective to create awareness and general well being , training sessions are conducted for the support staff community as well as for their family members. This results in support staff being completely aligned with the school processes