(FEBRUARY 11, 2023)


“ Finish Strong …Two words, One powerful philosphy!!


GDGPS, sec 48 celebrated a day filled with fervour and excitement as the learners of classes NUR- II presented 'Pinnacle -2023' on February 11, 2023.The presentations were an amalgamation of creativity and knowledge with the focus on  STAD Model of Cooperative learning in which small groups of learners showcased concepts they learnt in their regular school schedule, their findings, big or small and the experiments that lead them to discoveries.


The complete focus was on core competencies, communication, soft skills, positive interdependence, physical fitness and above all working for a common goal supporting each other. Apart from academics, the presentations were a combination of various hues comprising beautiful performances in the Dance, Music, Theatre and Art studios and  Athletic demonstrations in the Sports arenas all combined together like  sparkling pearls in a garland of  'Harmony'.
