(FEBRUARY 04, 2023)

G D Goenka Public School, Sector 48 conducted a staff workshop on the topic 'Complete Focus' on February 04, 2023. Complete Focus is a thinking skill and ability acquired over a period of time. The session began with emphasizing on the power of thought.  Power of the human subconscious mind leads to focus on thoughts and then to manifestation of thoughts. It is true that thoughts resonate in the environment around us. The school manifests to provide complete holistic development to its students. The school believes that the two lenses of Purpose and Focus will enable it to function more effectively and productively.


The school focuses on providing a positive and conducive environment for the children. The session shared the new working model for the upcoming new academic session. With 3 R's- Rejuvenate, Reassess and Reorganize and PPE - Plan, Preparation, Execution working model in the new session, the existing school programs will be further strengthened. The session closed reiterating the belief that for an effective working of the organization, purpose and focus should be in place.
