(JULY 16, 2024)


On 16 July 2024, the Social Outreach Team, in collaboration with the Financial Literacy Club of GDGPS Sec-48, Gurugram organized a successful social outreach activity aimed at enhancing the financial literacy of the support staff females. This initiative was the start towards empowering all members of our school community with essential knowledge and skills.


The session aimed to educate the didis on the importance of financial literacy, provide practical training on using digital payment platforms like Paytm and Google Pay, inform them about beneficial government policies related to finance and savings, and raise awareness about cybercrime and safety measures against cyber fraud. It began with an informative presentation on the importance of financial literacy, covering topics such as saving, investing, and managing expenses efficiently. The didis engaged in discussions on how understanding finance can significantly improve their financial well-being. This was followed by a segment focusing on practical training where the staff were guided on downloading and using Paytm.


The benefits of using digital payment methods, such as convenience, safety, and time-saving aspects, were explained, with step-by-step instructions provided to ensure they could confidently use the app in the future. Next, the session covered various government policies and schemes designed to support financial stability and growth, including information about schemes like Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana. The session concluded with a critical discussion on cybercrime awareness and prevention. The didis were educated about common cyber frauds, recognizing phishing attempts, and protecting their personal and financial information online.


The social outreach activity was a significant step towards empowering our support staff with essential financial knowledge and tools. The positive feedback and active participation stress upon the importance of such initiatives. We look forward to organizing more sessions in the future to continue supporting and educating our school community.



