(MAY 17, 2023)
George Bernard Shaw had rightly said, "We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing!" At GDGPS Sector 48, we certainly want our children to remain young in spirit! Being in synch with the elements of nature is part of our life form as Homo Sapiens. The evolution process may have taken us away from nature, but it could not take us away from our natural instinct to play. In today’s fast paced tech driven world, we engage in sports, sometimes for entertainment, or to remain fit, sometimes just to goof around, or release our emotions! Whatever be the reason, engaging in sports activities cultivates our imagination and develops our brain, while we acquire optimism and the ability to cope with difficult situations. So for us, play is not a luxury, it is a necessity.
Resonating with this belief, G D Goenka Public School, Sector 48 was founded with a sports rich infrastructure that is second to none, and accomplished sports coaches who have carved out State, National and International level players. The school has well researched sports programs running through the journey of school years, and the value add program like ESTP to hone the skills of our students. Moreover, Sports Fiesta, a mega sporting event is organized every year, right from the year of inception, which is a priceless platform for students to test their ability through competitive games. That we had more than 2000 students from 48 schools participate in Sports Fiesta 2022 immediately after the pandemic stands testimony to the strength and popularity of this competition!
Our children have exhibited great love, admiration and passion for the sports facilities and programs of the school. As GDGPS Sector 48 completes a decade in 2023, we are thrilled to present a gift to our precious Goenkans, the INDOOR SPORTS COMPLEX; an acknowledgement of the love and trust they place in us. The doors to the Indoor Sports Complex flew open in the presence of our beaming children and faculty.
May a steady stream of sports champion continue to emerge from GDGPS Sector 48!