(JULY 11, 2020)

Junior wing at GDGPS took a step forth in the field of our virtual curriculum by organising the The Goenkan Wizard- Winners All The Way, a Cornucopia of Competitions held on July 11, 2020. The event provided a common pedestal to our multifaceted students. The zeal of our learners to innovate and showcase their artistic abilities left an indelible imprint on the parents and the mentors acting as the Jury.

The competition was held in three categories -

Literary activities that included Share and Express, Story Narration, Poetry Recitation and Advertisement Enactment.

Cultural activities - Shloka Recitation/Singing on the theme ‘Our Vedic Heritage’, Dance on the theme ‘Messengers of Peace’, Art-Poster making on the theme ‘Conservation’ and Theatre-Mime and acting on the theme ‘A day in the life of a student’ activities

Sports - Yoga, Innovative Board Games, Self-Defence Techniques / Sports of Haryana or Telangana.

The response we received is a testimony that the lockdown has not taken away the spirit of our invincible Goenkans and we surely know how to create memories and cherish every moment of life by remaining positive and happy. 
