(APRIL 20, 2024)



The aim of education is not just to fill the minds of students with facts and figures, but to ignite their curiosity, nurture their creativity, and empower them to innovate and explore new horizons.      

                                                                                                                                  ---William Arthur Ward 

Enrichment is the process of infusing life with purpose, turning ordinary moments into extraordinary experiences, and cultivating the seeds of potential into flourishing gardens of possibility. To enhance the opportunities for enrichment in students, a workshop led by Mrs Srishti Bajaj was conducted on April 20, 2024.


The session aimed to create awareness about differentiated learning through which students get the choice and flexibility to learn. As it is rightly said, “One size fits all, doesn’t work in education.” Educators play a vital role in a differentiated classroom as they are the organizers of providing learning opportunities.


The emphasis was also laid on planning enrichment activities which should be simple, and straightforward. The workshop provided insight into the fact that enrichment is a part of a program, not additional work. It is productive thinking which is purposeful and planned engagement. It was a fruitful and enriching session.


