(FEBRUARY 13 TO APRIL 08, 2023)


Digital Skilling workshop for educators started on February 13,  2023 and culminated on April 08, 2023, where educators were given insight from Physical to Digital Journey, discussing the various components of Hybrid Learning. The Entire Journey was divided into four Phases listed as under:


PHASE 1 -  Feb 13 to 20, 2023 - HYBRID LEARNING WEEK : The entire week was devoted on GEN EXTRA MUROS PEDAGOGY, it was primarily modelled towards class VIII.


PHASE 2 – Feb 23 to 01 March, 2023 - MICROSOFT EDUCATOR TRAINING WEEK : This phase of training was primarily devoted to establish independent learning among learners and insight into easy accessibility tools from Microsoft for inclusive education. Some of the other key features of this week were  introduction to flipped instruction with Power Point Recorder and focus was on building flipped lessons through Microsoft tools. Another Tool which was discussed in depth during this Phase was Microsoft OneNote where emphasis was on working collaboratively and managing notes.


PHASE 3 – March 06 to 20, 2023 - MASTER IN MICROSOFT TEAMS FOR ANY LEARNING ENVIRONMENT: In this phase learners were taken through the various aspects of Microsoft Teams and its features like converse, collaborate, and build community in teams and working collaboratively with staff and PLC teams, assign and assess learners with assignments and forms in Teams.


PHASE 4 – March 27 to April 05, 2023 - 21ST CENTURY LEARNING DESIGN :Here major emphasis was on 21st century learning skills and how to take learners from Level 1 to Level 5 for in depth procurement of the skill. Following were the main 21 Century Learning skills whose Rubrics were Discussed:

·      Knowledge Construction

·      Collaboration

·      Real World Problem solving and Innovation

·      Skilled communication

·      Self Regulation

·      ICT for learning


At the end of the training, educators were finally certified after 3 major assessments namely Microsoft Educator, Master in Microsoft Educator and 21 century learning design.

