(MAY 04, 2021)


Only the people who take learning, growth and skills development into their own hands will be tomorrow’s leaders.’’

CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE PROGRAM (COEP) DAY-2, was the day full of opportunities for the young Goenkans where they participated in array of creative activities. To imbibe the true spirit of learning, the day began with great zest and excitement. The informative and engaging sessions ‘Embrace the Essentials, Logical and Critical thinking or Karya Kushalta Aur Nipunta’(LSWR) provided an enriching experience for the holistic development of our learners. They were given guidance and motivated to keep up their amazing work. The students explored and enhanced new skills and even came up with exhilarating performances and presentations. The learning for all the students from these sessions was immense and an enriching one.
