(MAY 20, 2021)


CBSE held the second webinar titled "Building Hope and Resilience" on May 20, 2021, under the   CBSE Health & Wellness series for students, teachers and parents aimed at providing psycho-social support during the pandemic. While the webinar was chaired by Mr. Manoj Ahuja, Chairman CBSE, it was attended by well-known panelists like Dr. Jitender Nagpal, Ms. Amita Wuttal, Dr. Aditi Mishra and principals of eminent schools along with student representatives.


It was rightly urged that a common platform be formed at the helm of affairs wherein the students could express themselves freely, about the stress, the isolation and loss of their family members during this pandemic. The platform would serve as a transaction of transformation wherein the school would serve as the primary unit to take care of mental health. The communities comprising of parents/students/teachers/principals/alumni should collectively create consciousness to those who are in dire stress. The class teachers, for once, put away the completion of syllabus on the back burner and try to talk to their students.


The student representatives spoke on the social media factor and the difference between addiction to social media and support aspect. They also reiterated that they would form chain support groups to help the students to overcome their loss.


The closing remarks by the panelists agreed on the view that the community as a whole should be able to separate grief from trauma, help the children with the loss, organising the prayer meetings, go through albums or be silent support. A gentle lift  in these trying times would help the student to refocus on the academics.





