(JANUARY 19 TO 22, 2021)

A four-day webinar on Artificial Intelligence for teachers teaching Artificial Intelligence in Class X was held in collaboration with Intel through live stream on Webex, from January 19-22, 2021. The resource persons were Mr. Anoop Singh Rawat and Mr. Bhawik.  The sessions on “Artificial Intelligence” were very enriching and interesting.

The webinar began with a recapitulation of the grade IX Artificial Intelligence Curriculum. This was followed by a discussion of the grade X ‘Introduction of Artificial Intelligence’ syllabus. The resource persons also shared the basics of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Python and discussed Jupyter Notebook (Anaconda) and gave some handson activity as a part of the assignment to be done.

The second day’s activities began with a discussion of the assignment given on the first day. The participants also had a parallel hands on activity on the Jupyter Notebook, which made the session even more interesting. There was also an activity based on virtual environment and data science.

The penultimate day began with a Personality Test of the participants. The resource persons demonstrated Data-Science Concepts and computer vision (matplotlib, CSV). This was followed by a discussion regarding NLP (Natural Language Processor).

On the last day, the participants were engaged in a discussion about chatbots and language processing. It was, overall, an extremely informative session. The participants learnt many new things which helped in enhancing their practical knowledge through the various hands on activities conducted throughout the session.
