(DECEMBER 08, 2023)

The Winter Season assemblies conducted by classes KG A & I C, respectively, in G D Goenka Public School, sector 48, Gurugram was a delightful exploration into the wonders of the winter season. Young minds came together to unravel the magic of winter in two consecutive engaging and informative assemblies conducted one after the other.

The assembly unfolded with engaging segments, starting with thought of the day, urging everyone to consider the impact of today on their future. A range of news segments, from school events to national and international updates, provided a broader perspective.

The students, guided by their peers, explored the essence of winter. They highlighted the seasonal changes, clothing preferences, festivities, and the significance of winter foods that warm both the body and the heart. Additionally, they showcased an understanding of wildlife adaptation during this chilly period, from hibernation to migration strategies.

Emphasizing health and safety during winter, both the classes emphasized the importance of proper clothing, nutritious diets, adequate rest, and exercise. Practical tips were shared to ensure everyone remains healthy and active during the colder months.

The assemblies concluded with a vibrant presentation of winter-themed songs, adding a lively touch to the informative session. The assembly fostered a holistic understanding of winter, promoting not just awareness but also a sense of celebration and preparedness. Students showcased their knowledge, creativity, and teamwork, leaving the audience enriched and ready to embrace the winter season with warmth and joy.

