(SEPTEMBER 19, 2023)


There is only one way to succeed in anything, and that is to give it everything.


We Goenkans believe in hard work, determination, and will power, which helps us achieve all our goals and nothing can block our path. With this thought the students of class IV C presented a mesmerizing assembly on the topic – ‘Where there is a will, there’s a way’.


Prayers have a power of creating a pious atmosphere that helps instil certain values such as humility and discipline. To start the day with the blessings from almighty, the assembly began with a beautiful prayer. The students shared an inspirational thought related to the topic and the Goenkan reporters updated everyone about the latest happenings around the world and in GDGPS.


A dream doesn’t become a reality through magic it takes sweat, determination and hardwork. Emphasising upon the same thought, the students of IV C presented an amazing role play which showcased the importance of determination and finding solution to every problem. The assembly was fuelled with enthusiasm of students as they sang and danced to the tunes of foot tapping song, which made the audience sway to the music. The assembly was well summarised by students conducting a short quiz where they asked questions about the famous personalities and shared how they focused on the possibilities rather than the problems and made their life successful. There was active participation by the audience. To further enlighten us our Headmistress, Ms Shalini Tandon, addressed the assembly and motivated all the Goenkans to keep striving for the best, no matter how challenging the task at hand may be. The assembly instilled optimism and confidence. It left us with a thought of believing, that we all have magic inside us, Its just that we have to believe in ourself and keep striving hard. The assembly was well concluded with the school anthem followed by national anthem, sung with great pride and fulfilment. The assembly came to an end.



