(DECEMBER 19, 2023)


Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate and to humble. A life can be changed forever with as little as a single phrase, an uplifting word or an act of kindness. With this thought the students of class III C presented a thoughtful assembly on the topic – “Power of Words”.


Prayers have a power of creating a pious atmosphere that helps instil certain values such as humility and discipline. To start the day with the blessings from almighty, the assembly began with a beautiful prayer followed by some positive affirmations. The students shared inspirational thoughts related to the topic and the Goenkan reporters updated everyone in a very creative way about the latest happenings around the world and in GDGPS through their news channel “GOENKAN NEST”.


The assembly presentation started with the understanding of the “Power of Words” and this was highlighted through an enactment Riya ki Kahani, Humari Zubani. This enactment helped the audience understand the power of magical words. After that it was “Activity Time”. The activity of Crumpled Paper helped the audience to understand how to use words effectively. The assembly was filled with enthusiasm as students  sang and danced to the tunes of foot tapping songs which made the audience sway to the music.


The assembly was well concluded with the national anthem sung with great pride and fulfilment.


To further enlighten us, our mentor addressed the assembly by inspiring all to keep working towards the skill of using kind and motivational words in order to become empathetic human beings. The assembly instilled the thought of using the power of words. It left us with a thought that kind words can make someone smile, it can lift them and heal our hearts.
