(DECEMBER 03, 2024)
Like a stone in the river, steady and sure, against life’s currents, we endure. Though waters rush, wild and free, the stone remains, so shall we.
With these thoughts class IV D began its assembly on the topic, “Stay Focused and Never Give Up”. The assembly commenced with the morning prayer sung by all students together. This was followed by inspirational thoughts related to the topic which made the audience touch upon the importance of staying focused. Further the Goenkan reporters updated everyone in a very creative way about the latest happenings around the globe and in GDGPS through their news channel Goenkan reporters.
The assembly was further taken up by the students presenting a short play on Arjun from Mahabharat which highlighted the presence of mind Arjun had and how he taught us to remain focused in life in order to achieve victory. The students did some interesting activities with the use of a small torch and laser light. They explained to us that learning to focus is essential if one wants to achieve extraordinary results. We should be like a laser light with our approach to setting goals which should be streamlined and not scattered like a torch light. Few students performed juggling and hula hoop skills. These activities not only tried to explain the concept of staying focused but also engaged the audience in a fun way. The entire activity and game session grabbed the audience's attention and made them remain focused in their assembly till the end.
The assembly ended with the Goenkans delivering the school anthem with remarkable zeal and enthusiasm, encapsulating the spirit of the occasion.