(MAY 17, 2023)


A thought-provoking assembly titled ‘Having a sense of purpose and meaning in life’ was presented by the students of class XII D on 17 May, 2023.  The title, although simple, involved an imaginative representation and the students of the class excelled at projecting their thoughts on the title through enactment, dance and speech.


The comperes, right from the beginning focused on cultivating a purpose and keeping the goal of life as a constant in life.  While the English thought of the day relayed the true essence of the title, the thought of the day in Hindi conveyed the meaning of having a purpose in life. The dance by two talented students of the class revolved around the journey of self-discovery.  The theatre act presented many moments of reality and goals via the medium of light humour. 


The school Principal, in her speech lauded the efforts of the class, saying that it was a wonderful act of team effort.  The headmistress too praised the students of the class for their efforts in putting up the show in such a methodical manner. 


Thereafter the students who had won inter school competitions were felicitated.

