(NOVEMBER 23, 2023)


“Positive thinking and positive attitude attracts prosperity, peace and happiness. It also exposes us towards the path of achievement and success.”

A person with a positive attitude always sees the brighter side of every situation. Such a person concentrates on good aspects only with the conviction that whatever is going to happen will work out well. Developing and manifesting a positive attitude thus brings optimism into life and makes life happier. With this thought the students of class IV E presented a mesmerizing assembly on the topic – ‘Positive Thinking Leads to Happiness’.

Prayers have a power of creating a pious atmosphere that helps instil certain values such as humility and discipline. To start the day with the blessings from almighty, the assembly began with a beautiful prayer which was followed by Positive Affirmation where children were made to close their eyes, relax their body and repeat the sentences. The students shared an inspirational thought related to the topic and the Goenkan reporters updated everyone in a very creative way about the latest happenings around the world and in GDGPS through their news channel “GOENKAN’S BHARAT”.


The assembly presentation started with enactments which helped students understand that positive attitude is a mind-set that focuses on the good, looks for opportunities in every situation, and believes in the potential for a better future. It's about approaching life with optimism, resilience, and a can-do spirit. Every enactment was full of interaction with the audience. The students were thrilled to participate and were enthusiastic to answer every question that was put across. The assembly was fuelled with enthusiasm of students as they sang and danced to the tunes of foot tapping song, which made the audience sway to the music.


The assembly was well summarised by the students as they conducted an activity of Positive self-talk which enabled the students to reflect well on today’s assembly topic. A movie link on Positive Attitude was also shared with the class teacher’s to show during the break time as a reflection activity. The assembly was well concluded with the school anthem followed by the national anthem sung with great pride and fulfilment.


To further enlighten us our mentor, addressed the assembly by inspiring all to keep positive attitude which has the power to lead us towards a brighter future. The assembly instilled optimism and confidence. It left us with a thought that happiness is a choice, and it begins with the way we perceive the world, which leads us to a brighter and happier future.


