(JULY 18, 2024)

The recent school assembly, themed "One Goal - Green Technology - Innovations Shaping a Sustainable Tomorrow," was a resounding success, bringing together students and teachers to focus on environmental sustainability. The assembly began with emphasizing the importance of adopting green technologies to ensure a healthier planet for future generations.

Prayers have the power to create a pious atmosphere that helps instill certain values such as humility and discipline. To start the day with the blessings from the almighty, the assembly began with a beautiful prayer sung by the choir supported by music teachers. The students shared inspirational thoughts related to the topic and the Goenkan reporters updated everyone about the latest happenings around the world and in GDGPS.

"The future will either be green or not at all." Emphasizing the same thought, the students of VI E presented an amazing Skit “The order in the court”. It was an epic battle between innovative and eco-friendly Green Technology and  polluting Old Technology.  This script sets a positive and engaging tone, inviting students to join in the conversation about green technology and its impact on creating a sustainable future.

The assembly moved ahead with an interactive Q&A session, where students eagerly discussed ideas and solutions for environmental challenges. The Q&A not only educated but also motivated everyone to actively participate in shaping a sustainable tomorrow. The assembly was fueled by the enthusiasm of students as they danced to the tunes of foot tapping song which made the audience sway to the music.

To further enlighten the Goenkans, our school Principal, Ms Anuradha Handa addressed the students and emphasized the role of technology and innovation in creating a more sustainable tomorrow, urging everyone to take proactive steps towards environmental stewardship. The assembly instilled optimism and confidence

The assembly concluded with a call-to-action, encouraging students to make a positive impact on the environment. Overall, the assembly was engaging, informative, and motivational, leaving a lasting impression on the students. The school community is now more aware and enthusiastic about embracing green technology to create a sustainable future.

