‘Thankfulness is the beginning of gratitude. Gratitude is the completion of thankfulness. Thankfulness may consist merely of words. Gratitude is shown in acts.”

With this note students of G D Goenka Public School Sector 48 presented the first  Assembly  in MP Hall reliving the memories of past and being grateful to the present moment. Learners of class V presented the assembly  on “Attitude of Gratitude” with great enthusiasm and fervor. 

The Goenkan’s of Grade V started the assembly by thanking the almighty who has given us abundantly followed by an encouraging thought. They expressed immense gratitude for day to day things and acknowledged each blessing they have been bestowed with. 

The students took pride in narrating a story showcasing that gratitude is actually the healthiest of all human emotions and the more we express gratitude, the more we get in your life. Poem recitation in English and Hindi further enthused the spirit of gratitude in all the students. The power packed and foot tapping dance performance left everyone spell bound.

Headmistress, Mrs Srishti Bajaj, addressed the assembly and urged the students  to be thankful for everything in their life,  for their parents, their teachers, their friends and even to the helps at home. She reiterated that to have the attitude of gratitude is surely a bliss.

