
How Is GD Goenka Shaping the Holistic Development of the Students?

Post By:- Admin      2022-10-31 19:33:06

As the world transits to an era of transformation, our education system also needs to undergo a revolution. Now, academic excellence is objective. However, acquiring knowledge pragmatically is imperative. The time has come to replace the traditional way of learning with the holistic approach- where the child's well-being, physical, emotional, and intellectual needs are the primary focus.

Every child is different. As a result, their characteristics, interests and preferences also differ. That being the case, a well-tailored curriculum is necessary to support the uniqueness of every child and promote their holistic development. The CBSE schools in Gurgaon venture to provide value-based education to students that helps them develop into well-educated and highly ingenious individuals capable of fulfilling their dreams and aspirations.

What Does Holistic Development Mean?

The growth of mental, physical, emotional, intellectual and social abilities in a child that makes them competent enough to face the challenges of everyday life is known as Holistic Development. At GD Goenka Public School, we take special care to develop these abilities in our students, preparing them for victory in every phase of life.

Many educational centres, including the CBSE schools in Gurgaon, are already following the method of holistic teaching; let us know in detail about them:

  The teaching faculties at GD Goenka Public School follow the holistic way of schooling. When your child takes school admission in Gurgaon, the expert teaching faculties follow up with them to recognize what your child is passionate about and use that passion as a basis for teaching them.

  The learning process becomes stressful and unproductive if there is no motivation or encouragement. Thus, it is necessary to make the child feel at home. The teachers of the top educational institutions are proficient and qualified to create an inviting and interactive environment to keep your child interested, entertained, and focused.

  Children are curious in childhood. Nurturing their curious minds and inspiring them with groundbreaking ideas can open their horizons of knowledge immensely. Dreams are not created; they are instilled with inspiration. Be the path through which your kid fulfils their dream by selecting the right school.


Q. Why has holistic education become a necessity?

A. Holistic education establishes curiosity and encourages children to form a connection with the subject, so it has become necessary.

Q. Would it not be difficult for my child if we transfer him to a traditional school which does not follow a holistic approach?

A. No, holistic education prepares your child academically, socially, and emotionally. They can cope with academic challenges and can also adapt to new situations.

Q. Which one is better holistic or traditional education?

A. Holistic education is better than the traditional form of teaching.


An ideal educational institution would strive to raise children who become excellent individuals. The GD Goenka Public School aims to strengthen the basic foundation of its students and allow the latent talent inside to come into full bloom. Opt for your child's school admission in Gurgaon; to present them with a caring and nurturing environment to grow.