
Know About the Detailed Fee Structure of Schools in Gurgaon

Post By:- Admin      2024-09-26 11:09:53

If you are looking for schools in Gurgaon, fee structure is an important factor to consider besides infrastructure and faculty. GD Goenka is a renowned school in Gurgaon that offers a comprehensive fee structure. Let’s check out the fee structure in detail.

Fee Structure of GD Goenka Public School

Admission Fee

For the new students joining the school, there is a one-time non-refundable admission fee of 75000/- rupees. This one is fixed without any variation across all classes ranging from Nursery to Class XII which shows that the school has equal regard for each learner regardless of the class they join.
Recurring Fees
Recurring charges are charged on a quarterly basis. These fees are relatively lower for the young students from Nursery to Class I than for the older students from Class II to XII.
For Nursery to Class I
- Composite Fee: Rs.58,815 per quarter.
- Refreshment Charges: 4,359 rupees per quarter.
- Total fee payable per quarter: 63,174 rupees.

For Class II to XII::
- Composite Fee: On average, 63,447 rupees per quarter.
- Total fee payable per quarter: The total expenditure was 63,447 rupees.

Transport Fee
Transportation services are also available with the quarter fees being determined by the distance to and from the schools in Gurgaon.

- 0 to 2 km: 10,986 rupees.
- 2 to 8 km: That amounts to 14,106 rupees.
- 8 to 16 km: fifteen thousand two hundred and thirteen rupees.
- 16 km and beyond: The total overall amount spent by the company amounts to 18,384 rupees.

These transport fees are applicable to all the grades, which implies that the school employs the same means of transport for all students.

Extended Daycare Fee
For parents with working schedules that require them to leave their children in school for an extended duration, the school provides extra daycare services. At the GD Goenka Public School, Sector 48, Gurugram, the extended day care program operates from 12:45 to 2:20 pm and costs 7,785 rupees for a quarter.

La Petite Malibu Towne Daycare
For younger children, there is an exclusive daycare center in the campus known as GD Goenka La Petite Malibu Towne.

- Full Day (8:30 am - 4:00 pm): Rs. 7,500/- per month
- Half Day (12:30 pm - 4:00 pm): 5,200 rupees per month

Final Words
As one of the top schools in Delhi NCR, GD Goenka Public School Sector 48 has a well- structured fee structure that caters to students' needs and services. Knowing the details of fee structure are beneficial for parents who are looking for admission of their child.