
Modern Education System: a Paradigm Shift in Learning Style

Post By:- Admin      2024-03-20 14:47:26

Schools are the temples of learning; hence we in India call it a home of education. The conventional education had different styles of teaching and delivering sessions in schools. Do you notice the change in the way schools operate? Have you ever visited your school after ages and realized that it is not the same school anymore? Yes, the infrastructure, curriculum, and mode of examination have seen an immense shift towards modern education system. There has been a shift from teacher-centered learning to children-centered learning. Pre schools in Gurgaon, Bangalore, Delhi, Hyderabad, and many other cities in India have focused on the holistic approach towards education.

Let us look at the aspects that have changed over the years in the preschool education system.

  • Socratic questioning: Children are allowed to ask questions. Asking questions builds their cognitive skills and creates a sense of assurance to explore and understand newer aspects. Research states that Socratic questioning enables a sphere that satisfies the child’s curiosity and ignites critical thinking. This also makes it easier for the teachers to gauge the child and helps them foster the required knowledge. Encouraging Socratic questioning not only helps to explore the realms of various fields but also helps children get closer to their ambitions. Children are inquisitive; hence, schools are making their best efforts to nurture young minds.


  • Innovation: Learning must be fun and innovative. Children’s beautiful little minds are like a fresh white canvas that are painted with their imagination. Various arts and crafts are a part of the curriculum. Children are allowed to experiment and understand the basics of every subject at a very young age. Schools use innovative learning such as video-based training and e-learning modules that not only invoke the interest of the kids but also make them want to be at school as it is a place of fun.


  •  Infrastructure and Safety: We often have heard our parents mention how poor the maintenance of the school was in the past. Most of us are lucky to have had decent facilities at schools. However, one of the amazing features of schools these days has been the infrastructure and the amenities. Schools in Gurgaon, Delhi, Bangalore, and other metropolitan cities have not only emphasized the importance of better infrastructure but also the physical and mental wellbeing of the children.


  • Counselling parentsSchools in Gurgaon and other cities now focus more on educating the parents and having regular conversations about the children’s growth. Education has grown above and beyond mere scores and grades in the exams. Pre-schools and schools have now been focusing on the child’s overall growth. They ensure that their roots are strong, and they grow up fully equipped to face the challenges of the modern world. Teachers instill these thoughts and approaches in both students and parents so that they are aligned with these modern thoughts. Grades do not speak; however, the manners and principles imbibed in a child speak volumes about their growth and upbringing. Pre-schools and schools have been able to meet these goals successfully.


In conclusion, there are many schools all over the world. If you are looking for a fantastic pre-schooling for your little child and if you are exploring the pre-schools in Gurgaon, do look for GD Goenka an institution run by the most knowledgeable teachers and fantastic management. Schools are the second home of the young minds. Let us make it memorable for them by choosing the best for them.