

Post By:- Admin      2022-10-31 19:34:53


 Twisha Sharma (X-B)





Crack open the gullible mind of a teenager, and you’ll find equal portions of societal pressure, emotional strain, insecurities, stress, happy and unhappy feelings, uncertainty, being - overexcited, fearful, rebellious, helpless and hopeless.



     Teenage is all about changes - Physical, emotional, mental and social. The stage where you are treated like a kid and expected to act like an adult. I went through a lot of changes as a teenager. Some issues I tackled as a teen were insomnia, anxiety and depression. It had weighed down upon me and made me miserable at some point. But I eventually overcame these difficult times, with the heart-melting support of my friends and parents.

If you are a teenager, Just like me, I’m sure you have come across difficulties. Minor difficulties like not being trusted enough to be able to close your bedroom door, parents blaming everything on your electronic gadgets, not being able to go out like your friends and immeasurably more. Major ones, like mental health issues, loneliness, anxiety, depression or not being understood.




How I View Teen Life :

Teenage, to me, is an overwhelming and a disruptive frenzy of a never-ending loop of answerless questions. It is intricate yet it has taught me things I’d probably never forget for the rest of my life. It is hard and something tells me it will be harder. Teenage is an exciting phase. It’s a phase of creativity and intuitiveness. However, it comes with its own cons. The desperate need to meet the conflicting expectations of our parents, to score better in examinations and to act a certain way to mould into a picture-perfect person for our friends often burden us with unavoidable circumstances and some of us resort to wrong means to relieve our stress, which is not the right way to deal with stress. Sometimes we begin to judge ourselves from society's eyes and let their idle chatter get to us. We are also wrongly interpreted by society. I believe teenagers should be trusted and be allowed to make their own decisions more often. Harsh is not the correct way to handle teenagers. Parents should be gentle and more understanding


 Being a teenager has made me a better version of myself. Given me life lessons like choosing good friends over more friends; not comparing yourself to anyone and significantly more.

 We should have faith in our elders to solve our problems rather than keeping things to ourselves.


The important thing is to stand strong on your feet because times shall always pass.


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