(MAY 30, 2024)


Handwriting is an imprint of the self on the page.

– Anthony C. Wood


To sit and write by hand is to slow the world down, to capture the essence of the thoughts on paper. In the act of writing by hand, there is a unique pleasure and satisfaction that cannot be replicated by the tap of a keyboard. It is a form of meditation and a way to connect deeply with oneself. To cultivate better handwriting skills and ensure clarity and legibility in written communication, an extensive workshop with teachers was conducted by Ms Shalini Tandon on May 30, 2024.


Good handwriting is easy to read, quick to write and good to look at. The 3P’s of handwriting include pencil grip, paper, and posture. Handwriting tells a lot about an individual’s behaviour. The emphasis was also laid on the correct formation, shape, and size of letters. The workshop provided insight into the fact that the teachers must guide, motivate, encourage, and tell the students to make an effort to write beautifully, neatly, and clearly in their notebooks. The session was incredibly interactive and insightful, providing valuable techniques to enhance handwriting.
