(SEPTEMBER 09, 2024)


Emphasizing upon the importance of a quick response to a disaster, a Disaster Management Workshop was conducted by the school under the expert guidance of resource person Col Arup Sanyal on 9th September 2024. This workshop was attended by the staff members who were taken through an informative and engaging presentation underlining the importance of the knowledge of disaster management during the crucial hour and about keeping safety as the top priority. The resource person took the staff through the precautions to be taken through a fire hazard. A hands-on demonstration of the effective way to use the fire extinguisher was given to the attendees. This demonstration covered identifying the different parts of a fire extinguisher to operate it the correct way. The staff was introduced to the acronym of PASS (Pull-Aim-Squeeze- Sweep) as a way of operating the extinguisher. 


An audio-visual presentation was run along with the demonstrations exhibiting the first-aid measures in case of a fire hazard. The next disaster to be covered was earthquake management and bomb threat management. Insightful videos were shown which highlighted the various means of ensuring safety protocols along with acting the correct way. This workshop was educational and fostered a sense of preparedness and awareness among the participants.
