(MAY 31, 2024)

Ms. Harmeet Kaur, headmistress of the junior wing, conducted an enlightening workshop titled "The Power of Provocation" for the teaching faculty. The workshop's main focus was on the art of asking creative questions that compel students to think outside the box and promote critical thinking.

The session commenced with Ms. Kaur providing a detailed introduction to the concept of provocation in an educational context. She emphasized the significance of challenging students with questions that go beyond rote learning, encouraging deeper analysis and innovative thought processes. She further shared numerous strategies and examples of provocative questions. These questions are designed to spark curiosity and engagement among students, pushing them to explore different perspectives and come up with unique solutions. She illustrated how such questions can be seamlessly integrated into various subjects and grade levels.

Ms. Kaur also addressed common challenges teachers might face when implementing this approach, offering practical solutions and tips to overcome these hurdles. She stressed the importance of a supportive classroom atmosphere where students feel safe to express their thoughts and ideas without fear of judgment.

The workshop concluded with an engaging Q&A session, where teachers had the opportunity to seek further clarification and share their own experiences. In summary, the workshop on "The Power of Provocation" was a resounding success, equipping teachers with valuable tools to enhance their teaching methods and inspire students to develop critical thinking skills.
