(AUGUST 23 & 24, 2024)


G D Goenka Public School, Sector 48, Gurgaon hosted the Model United Nations – TGMUN’ 24 for 250 delegates from 14 schools across Delhi - NCR on August 23 and 24, 2024, based on the theme “PEACE - A Timeless Quest”. 


The main committees were the UNGA, UNHRC, UNCSW, UNHS, RAW and the LOK SABHA. The event was inaugurated with a grand opening ceremony starting with the lamp lighting, and welcoming the chief guest - Ms. Sanjana Seth, an educator, the Managing Director of Augment London UK, followed by a beautiful cultural Dance Drama presentation by the young Goenkans. In her opening address, the school Principal Ms. Anuradha Handa stressed on the need for peace in the current situations of the world while Ms Seth encouraged the young audience to strive for peace and amicability. 


The Executive Board members moderated the delegates on topics like Kargil War, Budgetary expenses of the Agnipath Scheme, Ethnic Inclusion in Myanmar, Rehabilitation of Women and Children, the Human Rights Angle with reference to terrorism and developing a vision of multilateralism in a world of transitions. The fervor filled speeches and the heated debates of the delegates did promise a thought in progress towards establishing peaceful means of containing a conflict. 


The two-day conference with exciting research-based deliberations, questions and counter questions of the simmering political situations came to an end with the award ceremony presided by the chief guest, Brigadier Bhatt.  Delegates were awarded with Best Delegate, High Commendation or Special Mention Awards. Over all trophy for the best delegation team was bagged by Heritage Xperiential School, Sector 62, Gurugram.


