(JULY 18, 2024)

As they say “Take a quiet walk with Mother nature and it will nurture your mind,

 body and soul.”

Participating in a plantation drive helps students understand the value of community involvement and collective effort in protecting our planet. It also fosters a sense of responsibility and pride, as they contribute to making their surroundings greener and healthier. On July 18, 2024, GDGPS, Sector 48, organized a special event: School Plantation Drive. This initiative aimed to connect students with the benefits of trees and instill a sense of environmental stewardship. The event took place in collaboration with the community around the school, emphasizing the belief that even children can contribute meaningfully to environmental conservation.

The students of Class II participated with great enthusiasm, each carrying a small sapling from the forest department to plant in a nearby park. They approached the task with remarkable eagerness and excitement, planting the saplings with care and dedication.

The plantation drive is a crucial educational experience for our students. It provides them with hands-on learning about the environment and the vital role trees play in our ecosystem. By engaging in this activity, students developed a deeper appreciation for nature and learnt the importance of sustainability and conservation.
