(MAY 28, 2024)

Underlining the importance and connection between a healthy sleep pattern and the performance parameters of an athlete, a virtual workshop was conducted by NADA, in collaboration with CBSE, on 28th May 2024. This workshop was chaired by Dr Manvir Bhatia, Senior Neurologist, Director of Neurology, Sleep Centre and Vice President Indian Society of Sleep Research and Dr Rajendra Arya, Head of Department of Orthopedics, RML  Hospital, New Delhi.

Applauding the congregation for contributing towards the interweaving of sports in different areas of life, the resource persons and experts highlighted the importance of sleep in sports. It was discussed how a healthy sleep improves the mental and emotional state of being, helps to improve an athlete’s performance and injury, aids in the recovery of muscle damage and promotes growth along with enhancing the motor abilities of a high performing athlete.  Supporting the need for a sufficient intake of sleep, the experts brought to the fore the various distracters that break the sleep cycle of a sports person like varied time zones while traveling, insufficient time for sleep recovery due to a taxing routine, unhealthy mental and emotional state of mind and insomnia. Proceeding forward, the experts then guided on the various maneuvers to break the distracters and ensure good sleep for a heightened athletic performance. The audience was guided on tips to relax the mental and emotional state of mind, balancing of a healthy routine and most importantly, sleeping in a comfortable position.

This workshop was an enriching one as it laid the base foundation that a good sleep is of utmost importance for an athlete’s stellar performance on the ground.









