(JULY 15, 2024)

An IDM session was held for classes X on July 15, 2024, titled ‘Sustainable Careers in the Era of AI’.  The session aimed to explore the evolving landscape of work in the context of artificial intelligence and identify strategies for individuals to build sustainable careers amidst technological advancements.
Session expert Mr. Ritesh Jain, an experienced career counselor, shared the current AI trends and Its impact on careers, where he explained the current and potential future impacts of AI on various industries and professions. In addition to that he shared essential skills that are becoming increasingly valuable in the AI-driven economy and importance of continuous learning and adaptability in staying relevant. He laid emphasis on the role of creativity, critical thinking, and emotional intelligence in complementing AI capabilities.

Mr. Jain also shared various career fields like; Psychology, Sustainability, Pharmacology, Game Developer, Entrepreneurship, FinTech etc. which will last and sustain in the upcoming time. Participants engaged in lively discussions and asked many questions on the ethical dilemmas posed by AI. The session underscored the need for proactive career management in the face of technological disruption. Participants left with a clearer understanding of the skills needed to thrive in an AI-dominated economy and practical steps to future-proof their careers. The ethical dimensions of AI were also highlighted as critical considerations for policymakers and professionals alike.
