(MAY 28, 2024)

Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and the love of bringing the first two loves together. 

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Classroom is a place where everyone interacts with each other towards the common objective of giving and receiving knowledge. For it to be well transmitted, classroom practices must be inclusive, to ensure every student feels valued and supported in the learning process. To give an insight on good practices and areas of improvement, a workshop on feedback based on classroom observations, led by Mrs Srishti Bajaj, was conducted on May 28, 2024.


The session started by sharing of good practices in the classrooms with the teachers. This included the teachers being positive and approachable, usage of whiteboard for information, engagement with the right use of teaching learning materials and use of class management techniques. Even the areas of improvement were shared with the team members so that learning process in the classrooms can be smooth. In order to achieve an effective error free correction method, the teachers were guided with some useful tips for notebook upkeep to be followed by the students and notebook correction by the teachers. The session was quite productive and enlightening.



