(MAY 22, 2024)


Teaching is more than imparting knowledge; it is inspiring change. Learning is more than absorbing facts; it's acquiring understanding.

-William Arthur Ward

Classroom management is a key element to establishing a successful learning environment in any classroom. An effective classroom management plan creates a positive learning environment. Classroom management is affected by the characteristics of the students and their behaviour. Student’s behaviour is influenced by their age, academic abilities, goals, interests, and home backgrounds. 


This informative and insightful workshop provided a platform for the teachers to adopt various effective techniques for classroom management, a workshop led by Mrs. Srishti Bajaj was conducted on May 22, 2024. This session mainly focused on the three components of Effective Classroom Management - Proficient Teaching, Learning with ease and Academic Performance. The workshop also focussed on the following 5 Step Plan for the classroom – Find the right demeanor, Develop Systems- To get attention and eliminate distractions, Shake Up – The problem areas, Deal with problems – While they are small and Develop relationships with your students.


The session aimed to create awareness about different classroom management techniques and strategies. It was a great learning experience. There were many topics which were covered in the workshop such as – Understanding Classroom Management, Physical Arrangement in the Classroom, Components of an Effective Classroom, Teaching Styles, Learning Styles, Managing Classes with a Large Number of Students, and Management of Inter-Personal Relationships.


The workshop revolved around active discussions between the teachers and Srishti ma'am. Teachers were introduced to various innovative methods for managing classrooms. Classroom strategies were beautifully explained that management of the student-teacher relationship is the cornerstone of classroom management. If a teacher has a good relationship with students, then students readily accept the rules and procedures. The importance of building a rapport with the children was also discussed.


The teachers were divided into different groups, and they actively participated in the workshop. Teachers also sportingly took part in group activities which involved a demonstration of the classroom management techniques, role plays, creative strategies to include 5 step plans in the classroom and also shared their personal experiences from the classrooms which helped others to learn new ways of interacting with children. For effective classroom management, it is important for the teacher to be well versed with teaching methodology, to have proper skills, techniques, and positive approach towards students. It was a fun-filled and enriching session, full of hands’-on activities for the teachers to indulge in and learn from.


The workshop enlightened teachers to now look forward to applying these strategies effectively in the classroom and were able to evaluate teaching strategies that empower them with skills and expertise to manage a diverse group of students effectively in their class. It was empowering and fruitful session.


