(JULY 11, 2024)


Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment, without judgment. It involves awareness of one's thoughts, feelings, and surroundings.

With this thought in their minds the students of class V G presented an enriching assembly on the topic- ‘Mindfulness for Sustainability’. They began the assembly by OM CHANTING bringing in positivity and focus towards the topic. It moved ahead with students reciting a self-composed poem leaving the audience empowered. Prayer is the opening of the heart to God. To start the day with the blessings from almighty the assembly further showcased a beautiful Ganesh Vandana followed by the prayer sung by the choir group thanking God and seeking blessings in their lives.


Students shared the positive, relatable thoughts in English, Hindi, French and Sanskrit to instill the value of being Mindful and Sustainable among the children.  Thereafter, the creative Goenkan reporters presented the news in a unique way creating a News Studio and updated everyone about the latest happenings in and around the world using live videos. The coverage included India launching its third lunar mission, Chandrayaan-3, on Friday, July 14th and our honorable Prime Minister being the guest of honour on French National Day celebrated on 14th July. The proud moment when he was conferred with France's highest award - The grand cross of legion was showcased to the students. This was followed by the sports news, weather update and Goenkan news - the highlights were the Celebrations of French Day and House competitions at GDGPS.


The highlight was the theatrical presentation made by the students showcasing a class in progress. Their ideas, inputs and the educational video left the grade 5 goenkans inspired and motivated to follow the path of being mindful for a sustainable future. Audiences were asked questions to make them reflect on the topic. Grade 5 Goenkans participated enthusiastically and shared their opinions.


The Goenkans also reflected and reiterated upon their school motto - Higher, Stronger and Brighter and by taking great pride in their School, they sang the Goenkan Anthem towards the end.

To further enlighten us our headmistress Ms Shalini Tandon addressed and encouraged the students by appreciating their presentation and awarding the class with a golden star.

Towards the end, everyone understood that integrating mindfulness into sustainability initiatives can lead to a more harmonious relationship between humans and the environment, ensuring a sustainable future for generations to come.
