(JULY 12, 2024)


“The still waters of a lake reflect the beauty around it. When the mind is still, the beauty of the self is reflected.” – Vanda Scaravelli

To make the students aware about being mindful, the ‘Mindful Monarchs’ of VII I presented a very mindful assembly on July 12, 2024 in the school auditorium to the students of class VII & VIII. The assembly commenced with a morning  prayer by the school choir followed by the inspiring thoughts and the news updates by the Goenkan broadcast.

“Mindfulness helps us to live in harmony with our thoughts, words, and actions.” Taking this thought forward the Goenkans of VII I narrated a story highlighting the importance of being mindful at all times. Mindfulness gives you time. Time gives you choices. Choices, skillfully made, lead to freedom and success, the ‘Mindful Monarchs’ shared the inspirational stories of founders of PAYTM, UBER, ZOMATO and IPS officer Mr Manoj Sharma through engaging and interesting role play followed by a quiz . The audience enthusiastically took part in the quiz and showcased their mindfulness. The ‘Mindful Monarchs’ also highlighted that overwhelming emotions can be calmed down by being mindful and presented an encouraging you tube video of Acharya Gopal Das.

To conclude the assembly, Headmistress Ms. Shalini Tandon, an epitome of motivation and encouragement, was invited to enlighten the students with her words saying that every time we ponder a thought, act on an impulse, or dwell on a desire, we need to be mindful and mindfulness only enables us to choose wisely.


The Goenkans presented the school anthem with great fervor at the end,




