(AUGUST 09, 2024)


As society continues to evolve, the importance of empathy over sympathy becomes increasingly clear. By embracing empathy, individuals can foster deeper connections, improve emotional well-being, and contribute to a more understanding and compassionate world. With the same objective to achieve, the students of grade VIII-D organised an assembly on the theme ‘Empathy is more powerful than sympathy’’. The event began with a solemn prayer led by the school choir followed by inspiring thoughts and news headlines. The students presented a short skit portraying different scenarios where empathy was shown through active listening and understanding. The audience watched as empathy transformed relationships, promoting healing and connection. The dance performance beautifully depicted the journey from sympathy to empathy. Through expressive movements and emotive choreography, the dancers illustrated how empathy fosters deeper connections and understanding between people.

The event closed with a pledge by the students who urged everyone to practice empathy in their daily interactions. “Let us not only feel for others but strive to feel with them, understanding their experiences and emotions,”



