(AUGUST 8, 2024)

Time is free, but it’s priceless,

You can’t own it but you can use it,

You can’t keep it. But you can spend it,

Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back,

So, it is vital to respect the time and consume it wisely,

Effective time management increases your focus and improves your productivity.


With this poem the students of class VF presented an enriching assembly on the topic- ‘Staying Organized and Managing Time Effectively.’ To start the day with the blessings from almighty, the assembly began with a prayer sung by the music choir; thanking God and seeking blessings.


Students of the performing class then shared their positive, relatable thoughts in English and Hindi to instill the values of time management. Thereafter, the Goenkan reporters updated everyone about the latest happenings in and around the world. 


The beautiful poem and theatrical presentation made by the students enriched the audience with the valuable lessons on managing time effectively enabling them to become more confident, organized, and learning more efficiently. Students also explained the benefits of time management.


To further enlighten the students, our headmistress Ms Shalini Tandon addressed and encouraged the students by appreciating their presentation and highlighting the importance of planning and preparing on time to reach our goals. The assembly ended with students taking pride in singing the School Anthem.

